It was paint night at Kindermusik to prepare for our upcoming end of the year dinner. Our teacher wanted the kids to make some keepsakes to take home. We started with a hand print on a tile to use as a trivet. Next, she wanted the kids to do several finger paintings to be laminated and used as place mats at the dinner. I was pumped just knowing that Stella would love painting.
She started out in Daddy's lap. All is well.
As soon as we painted her hand to make the first print, she fell to pieces. We finally completed that project and then went to the second classroom for finger painting. She never wanted anything to do with the paint. Our teacher suggested that we try a paintbrush. The strokes you see were made by Stephen and I as we tried to coax her to give it a try.
I hate painting, Mommy!
She finally dropped the brush down twice to make these two marks on her second place mat. Hmmm... not exactly what we were looking for, but at least she did it.
These are the paintings from the rest of the class. :D
We had an abbreviated music class tonight. It didn't take long to cheer Stella back up because we got to use our egg shakers, her favorite!
Daddy helping her pick out her shakers. . .
Gathered in group circle for the song to begin . .
More of the class . . .
Inspecting her shaker. . .
Mommy, I'm more of a musician, ok?
Weekend Wrap Up
1 week ago