It's amazing how fast a child can get sick. Stella was finally over her stuffy nose at the beginning of the week. Wednesday evening we went to the funeral home for a visitation. While we were there, we noticed that Stella was getting hot. We left to go eat dinner with everyone at McDonald's. When we sat down to eat we noticed that a rash was forming around her ears, on her nose, and along her hairline. I took her temperature when we got home and it was 102.1. I gave her some Tylenol and called the after hours line at Dr. Bates office. The nurse I spoke with told us to monitor her fever and behavior during the night and call back with any changes. I had explained to her that she had been to the doctor several days ago and was currently taking amoxicillin. She said that it could take up to 8 days to have an allergic reaction, but also believed that it must be something else since there were no breathing problems involved. Stella went to sleep happy, but still hot. She woke up around 3 AM fussy and more spots had appeared on her face and her bottom. I took her temperature again and it was 102.7. So, I called the same line again and the nurse thought that we should take her to the emergency room. Stella was still smiling and acting fine, but her eyes proved that she didn't feel well. They looked puffy, watery, and very tired. We checked in at the ER and were the only ones there, thank the Lord! We got in very fast. They took her temp, blood pressure, and did a RSV test. She tested positive. :( Unfortunately, RSV is just a bad cold with fever meaning that there is no specific remedy for it. It takes 8-10 days to run it's course and is contagious for other children. It normally involves respiratory problems, but she has not shown signs of that at this point. I'm so thankful that she seems to have a mild case. Maybe she'll get well soon. Her fever is still up and a few more spots (hives or rash) came up today. We may have to make a visit to Dr. Bates this afternoon since it's a long weekend and they won't be in again until Tuesday. I've bleached, cleaned, disinfected . . . . a virus stands no chance in our home!
Now for the fun update: Stella is up on her knees and has discovered a new way to crawl. It's so much fun to watch her learn new things. It's also keeping us on our toes!
Here are some pictures that we took on our phones during the ER visit.
Stella looks slightly annoyed about the late trip to the ER.
At least the walls were covered with a fun ocean theme. She loved looking at everything.
Spots came up and went away even as we waited. This was after the bad ones had cleared up but shows what they looked like. Almost like a mosquito bite. . .
Fell asleep while watching SportsCenter with Daddy.
Totally out and ready to go home.
Weekend Wrap Up
1 day ago
Bless that baby! Here's to a speedy recovery.