Thursday, August 5, 2010


My shirt may say smile, but I don't have to . . .

Stella loves her new shoes. It's the only pair that we have been able to keep on her feet since they are so small. She still wears a size 1 with plenty of room to spare.

Fun colors!

Speaking of fun colors, check out Stella's loud pajamas. . . and that hair! I love those curls so much.


  1. Could she be any cuter? NAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I hope you turned those jammies down a notch or two before you put her to bed.. LOL
    Love my Stella, Love my Stella, Love my Stella Rosalie.............................

  2. How fun! Is that the skirt that Holli got? The jams are the best!

  3. The shoes look so cute on Stella!!! Glad to see she liked them!!
