Poor little Stella has a cold it seems. Last night we noticed her first runny nose. She had a rough time sleeping and did not understand what was going on with the whole stuffy nose business. She has been making the funniest faces and will rub her nose with blankets or burp cloths. She looks at us with those big eyes and I know she must be thinking, "Fix it Mommy & Daddy!" I wish we could. . .
Stephen and I feel so bad for her, but it's partly funny. She has mastered the fine art of the fake cough. Her runny nose is "clear" so no infection. Only one nostril is giving her problems but she still feels the need to cough dramatically ever so often. We laugh and then she giggles. I'm sure this could become a game.
We do hope her sniffles pass soon. I've heard that sometimes a runny nose leads to a tooth. You hear everything, so who knows? It may just be a summertime cold. Even though she isn't feeling so great, she did so well for her 6 month pictures today. I can't wait to see them!
I'll spare you all the closeup shots of my child's runny nose. Some "firsts" do not need photo documentation.
Catch Up
1 week ago