When is it time for Glee, Daddy? Where's my remote?
It's amazing how much she notices each day. She cannot keep her head still, constantly looking from side to side and even behind her to check out everything she can possibly find. I can't imagine what it must be like for a little one where everything in the world is fresh, fun and new. The best feeling in the world is walking into a room, talking to her, and a huge smile spreads across her face. She really recognizes us and seems so thrilled to see us. That includes Layla, too. She keeps an eye on her big sis all day! Stella wakes up in a great mood because she just loves to have someone talk to her. As soon as you say, "Good morning sweetie", the smiles begin. She has added lots of giggles along with the gurgles and coos.
Unfortunately, I miss the morning shift many days now. Stella is consistently sleeping for 8 hours or more. It's amazing. Aside from when we get home late, she is in bed by 9:30. She wakes up between 6:00 and 7:00 A.M. Several times a week, I have already left for work. We recently increased her bottles, so she is staying full longer and does not wake early to eat. I was getting used to waking up between 5 and 5:30 to feed her before I got ready for work. Although I miss that a little, I am impressed with a three month old that is such a wonderful sleeper. She had two days last week where she woke up during the 4 o'clock hour. I was hoping that wouldn't stick. I think she sensed that Stephen was away or something and just wanted to make sure Mommy was on her toes! Also, she went to bed earlier those two nights. Her internal clock never fails.