It seems like Stella grew a little personality overnight. This weekend she was so playful. We have seen her little smile several times before, normally during sleep and spells of gas. She would smile some here and there but never consistently. Over the weekend she really seemed to start recognizing more and would smile and coo when you showed her lots of attention. There is nothing sweeter in world! Every milestone during a baby's life is fun to watch, but there is something so special about her little smile. I guess as parents we try so hard to make her life as perfect as humanly possible. Those little smiles prove her happiness and bring so much joy. Last night after the choir special at revival, I walked to the back to sit with Stephen and Stella. She was wide awake when I sat her on my lap. At first she was enamored by the recessed lighting. Then when she caught my face, she just smiled and made her cooing noises. That lasted for several minutes so, needless to say, Stephen and I couldn't pay attention to anything else! I guess because newborns sleep so much, the new moments of "play time" are so special to us. Of course I loved snuggling my newborn and wouldn't trade those weeks for anything, but I believe she will just get more fun with each month that passes.
Speaking of months, she hit the two month mark on Saturday. Tomorrow we will go for her checkup and shots. The ONLY thing that excites me about that visit is finding out her weight and other measurements. I know she has grown so much. She is starting to outgrow some of her 0-3 month pjs. It won't be long until she is in those cute summer outfits! I love to see chubby little baby arms and legs in the warm months. Ahhh, spring and summer. . . I know you are out there somewhere. I am a lover of all seasons but this winter has been especially long, cold and dreary. I am more than ready for flip flops and strolls around the neighborhood.
This is our bright eyed, 2 month old little sweetie.